Birds and Nature Photography in Malaysia

15 February 2025

Birds eat Cricket

Tiger Shrike and White-throated Kingfisher eat Cricket (Gryllus sps)

White-throated Kingfisher perched on metal beam crieket on it's beak
Nice breakfast
A kingfisher has made my backyard its home, and it’s quite the character! It often starts calling around 7 AM, and I love watching it perch on the metal frame just outside my kitchen as it keeps an eye out for insects. However, it’s usually still a bit too dark for me to take a good picture at that hour, and the little bird gets startled by even the tiniest movement I make.

 To make photography a bit easier, I use crickets as bait. I toss them on the grass and wait.
Cengkerik / cricket
Field cricket (Gryllus sps) 
I bought these crickets from the fishing tackle shop, which sells 20 cickets for RM2
Bird eating cricket
Tiger shrike

Bird Kingfisher
White-throated Kingfisher

Tiger shrike on bamboo tree
Tiger Shrike eats cricket

31 January 2025

Birding Temerloh Riverbank

Birding at Temerloh River Bank


I went to Temerloh for business and spent time photographing birds and activities along the Pahang Riverbank.
Biawak hidup, lidah bercabang
Burung Tiong (javan Myna) looking for food on the aspalt - mencari makanan di atas jalan raya
Javan Myna

Spoted Dove foraging on aspalt looking for left over food
Spotted Dove (Spilopelia chinensis tigrina)

Bird and Nature Photography

Grey wagtail on the TV antena
Migratory bird -  Grey Wagtail (Motacilla cinerea)

I visited a village in Kampung Tengah and found this Grey wagtail on the TV antenna, as well as this Eurasian tree sparrow.
Tree Sparrow perched on the iron fence
Tree sparrow

West bank pahang river shows four bridges
West Bank - 4 bridges (the new and old bridges, the ECRL bridge)  and fishermen

East river bank show motorboat cruising up stream and a Proton X50 car on the old bridge
East Bank - Boat, old bridge, car (Proton X50), fisherman and rumah rakit Pak Jamal (raft house).

Motor Boat on Pahang river with indian passenger
Sg Soi boat with Indian passengers

Pokok buah Ara at Temerloh Peka Sari site- Ficus hispida
Buah Ara (probably Ficus hispida) - di tapak pekan sehari Temerloh

Magpie Robin perched of the tree brach with TEMERLOH sign at the background - generated by ChatGPT
Magpie Robin by Chat GPT

Murai Kampung (Magpie Robin) perched on the Moringa tree
Murai kampung

Sqirrrel carying a yellow object on eletric cable - Tupai mengongong buah kuning
A plantain squirrel (Callosciurus notatus miniatus) - Tupai
 What is in the squirrel's mouth? A yellow coconut?
Patin Fish restaurant = Kedai IUoan Patin
Kedai Kancil D'Patin Bangau Tanjung, DEN691 Pembekal Patin & Talapia