Wild Orchid at Raub's Hill

19 January 2009

Wild Orchid at Raub's Hill

This Wild Orchid grows on the big tree in from of Raub's District Officer's house. I took this photograph on new year holiday. I don't have any orchids or flower reference book, and searching the internet didn't give me any clue to the name of this species.

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George said...

I don't know the name either, but it certainly is beautiful.

The Birdlady said...

These flowers are exquiste, and the barbet is amazing!

Anonymous said...

They are very beautiful Tabib. It always fascinates me when they live their lives up in and on the trees like this.

Unknown said...

That is a very nice orchid here.

Gemma Wiseman said...

These tiny orchids are so lovely! Almost like tree growing snowdrops or jonquils!

Lana Gramlich said...

Wow...that's beautiful! You may want to try "Dave's Garden" for an ID (you could google it, I don't recall the URL right now.)

nonizamboni said...

Gorgeous orchids and wonderful setting. Thanks for sharing your talent, especially the barn swallows--my favorites!--last week.

arleena said...

So beautiful flowers