LIFER at Bukit Tinggi - Red-billed Malkoha

20 January 2010

LIFER at Bukit Tinggi - Red-billed Malkoha

Red-billed Malkoha (Phaenicophaeus javanicus)
Red-billed Malkoha (Phaenicophaeus javanicus)

Red-billed Malkoha (Phaenicophaeus javanicus)


biologion said...

Quiet impressive bird! Lovely captures!
Especially the second is amazing!

Chris said...

well done on this new species Tabib. So how many do you have on your list?

Phil Slade said...

Brilliant pics tabib! The light in the eye is always good.

rainfield61 said...

The peak is red, beautiful.

Mike said...

Tabib this is a first for me too. Thanks for sharing the photographs.

Hasyimi Adam said...

Salam doc, so you go up there again. Beautiful shots of malkoha. How about he OHT?

Redzlan said...

Thanks for your comments.

Hi Hasyimi, look at the EXIF data --> Digitization Date/Time = 2010:01:17 13:42:36.

I bit difficult to excape from this clinic. ;)

Ghost said...

Beautiful malkoha.
What happened to the bird's right lower tail feather?.
Somebody clip it?

Madibirder said...

She's still on my wanted list. Maybe this Saturday, maybe. Good job Doc.

Terence Ang said...

Congrat on your lifer

zzlaloq said...

sy ingat dah habis senarai malkoha saya, ada lagi rupanya.. cantik n tajam!

Lois said...

What a pretty bird!

Tom said...

Beautiful bird. Nicely captured