27 December 2006

Internet Down

I can't connect to many international sites today. See The Star about World Wide Wait. So, my photo at photobucket photo hosting can't be view. Manage to access this site very s-l-o-w like s-n-a-i-l !....This was caused by earthquake in Taiwan at about 2 a.m. MYT on December 27,2006 and causes submarine cable to be interrupt. Malaysia and other South East Asia countries depend on this cables.

Anyway, "Selamat Hari Raya Qurban", time for sacrifice; Let sacrifice your internet for a few days. ;-)
and "Happy New Year!"

22 December 2006

Cameron Highland - GPS - Trip profiles

My trip was recorded using GPSr (Holux 236B) placed on the car's dashboard, and connected to a PDA (HP 4700) via Bluetooth. The PDA was continuously charged with a USB car charger. It always picked up 6-8 satellite reception. With Garmin Que & GPSProxy 2.2a software installed in my PDA, tracklogs of 1-second intervals were recorded.

So, as you can see from the screen capture of the Track Properties below, my tracks start at 7:10am on 17/12/06 (Sunday). My home altitude is 142 meters above sea level.

I choose the shortest route, via Frazer Hill Gap - Kuala Kubu Baru - Kerling - Kalumpang, and enter the North-South High Way at Tanjung Malim.

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"Jalan ular kena palu": - by taking this route, we have to negotiate numerous sharp bends. Before long my daughter and sons took turns asking me to stop - to vomit. My other half grumbling - "ngapa tak bawa ubat muntah?". I forget to bring a tablet Stemetil, antiemetic to stop motion sickness. What a poor forgetful doc!. The road becomes straight by the time we reach Kuala Kubu Baru. The screen captured below shows the place where Sir Henry Gurney, British High Commissioner in Malaya, is assassinated on Gap road to Fraser's Hill by Siew Ma and the members of the Communist Party of Malaya - on 6th October 1951. (the true fact is, he was shot by Malay resistance fighters)

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After a stoped over at Tapah R & R for refreshment and refueling, we took the easiest route to Cameron Highland through Simpang Pulai. Arrived at Strawberry Park 12:55pm, still to early for check in.
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We explored the place, took photos, and went to the stalls and farm at the junction of Strawberry Park access road. The farm called Kajimanis Strawberry Farm, where we bought some strawberries. You can't pick the fruit yourself at that farm. Also bought a few T-shirts with strawberry and Cameron logo/pictures from an Indian stall.

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Highest points,

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Vertical Profile:
Here you see the cross-section of the routes that we have taken.
From Raub, we traveled for 291km, through 3 peaks - Frazer Hill and Camerons. The highest elevation was at 1647 meters. Gunung Brincang is at over 2000 meter.

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Rose Valley/Garden:

Every thing about roses

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A Few Words About Roses

Types of Roses

Make any landscape design stand out with the most colorful of rose types. Floribunda roses are bushy shrubs and produce flower clusters of three to 15

Hybrid Tea
One of the most popular rose types, hybrid teas are upright bushes that generally produce one flower per stem. Blooms have a high center point. Many varieties reveal a beautiful fragrance.

A Grandiflora is a cross between a floribunda and a hybrid tea. This rose grows up to six feet tall and produces classic hybrid tea flower clusters.

Shrub & Landscape
Coming in all shapes and sizes, shrub and landscape roses work well in any landscape. Landscape roses grow close to the ground, like ground cover, and have a very spreading habit.

Climbing roses help dress up any garden, usually grown on a trellis or a fence. These roses have long, arching canes with numerous flowers that can cover walls, pillars, or any other type of supporting structure.

Miniature roses are the smallest of rose plants, growing anywhere from six inches to two feet tall. This rose type is hardy, flowers continuously, and is perfect for container gardening.

Tree Roses
Tree roses are made up of a hardy rootstock grafted to a long stem that is, in turn, grafted to a rose bush at the top of the stem. The tree rose is a lovely addition to the garden, but extra care is needed to ensure its survival over winter.

Rose Colour and its Related Symbolism

A rose in Cameron Highlands in full bloom.Although preference for rose colour is pretty much up to individual taste, and usually we just go for red because it is the common colour chosen. Just for fun though, the list below shows the connection between the colour of the rose and its supposedly symbolized meaning. If however your sweetheart gives you the wrong colour, don't fret though. After all, it is just a human invention probably passed on over as tradition through the ages, so try not to give this symbolism thing too much thought.

    Color Symbolism
  • Red - Love, respect
  • Deep Pink - Gratitude, appreciation
  • Light Pink - Admiration, sympathy
  • White - Reverence, humility
  • Yellow - Joy, gladness
  • Orange - Enthusiasm, desire
  • Red and Yellow - Gaiety, joviality
  • Yellow - Sociability, friendship

Article from: AARS website

21 December 2006

Cameron Highland

Ok, friends here is the photo album about our recent visit to Cameron Highland.

I visited Cameron Highland in 1976 (30 years ago) with a group of SMSP student librarians, accompanied by Mr. Steve Wagner (peace corp. teacher). We stayed at a hostel that looked like an army camp with an arch zinc roof at a valley in front of the Catholic Convent school. That place is long gone. We were fortunate to stay at Strawberry Park Resort, a 4-star hotel!.

14 December 2006


I will be going for holiday this week end. Phew... my youngest son already grumble...
"sunat sunat" ... never ending "sunat" I have hit over 100+ circumcision, and will stop this 16th Dec. and will go uphill for much deserve break.

I'll tell more about my stay at this resort in my next update.

04 December 2006

Circumcision Mishap

There was reported case of accidental penis amputated from local newspaper yesterday.
Here the report from english paper,
and from malay newspaper

Gland Penis partial or total amputation should not occur if the Medical Assistant or Doctor properly visualize the gland penis (head of penis) during the circumcision procedure.
That why the dorsal slip method is advise compare to guillotine - where the fore skin of penis is cut by knife ala infamous killing technique in France Revolution - (pulling the foreskin forward and cutting off the part extending beyond the glans, the amount of skin removed depends on the tension he exerts).

There are many new technique using clamp of various names.

Our local "Tok Mudim" is using those guillotine method, but I have never heard of amputation complication except for wound infection, bleeding and late wound healing.

Here are another examples of old article from Massachusetts Lawyer's weekly about circumcision mishap. This is another case.

*** The above picture is a Dorsal-slit-and-side-cuts technique, the amount depends on doctor arbitrary choice of a line. The penis may be left totally bareheaded or partially covered. Working freehand, the doctor may or may not remove the frenulum and will leave a varying amount of the mucous inner lining.

01 December 2006

My speed 483568.3 km/h

This Dashboard screen captured of Navitel Navigator 2 shows how I drove my old Camry recently. Despite the average and max speed of 6 figures I always stay away from booked.
That was because the police didn't have time to record it.
At 483568.3 km/h, I'm just a flash of light to him.

BTW, the speed of sound is 344 m/s (1238 km/h or 770 mph),
and the speed of light is 1,079,252,848.8 km/h

So, I'm at Mach 390! WOW!!