Rumah Pak Wan

08 February 2007

Rumah Pak Wan

Hi Nonie, ini map ke rumah Pak Wan. Harap Pak Wan tak marah, upload map rumah dia tanpa izin. :-)

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Maps credit to,

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Here is the Google Earth image of Lrg Sg Isap Damai 6. Pak Wan's house is either on the right or left. The blue roof building at the right lower corner is Surau.
Quote from Pak Wan:
--- In, wan shahruddin wan ibrahim wrote:
> Sorry Pak..yg atap biru tu dewan, not surau
> zoom kat bawah sikit nampak surau.
> zoom kat atas sikit..rumah Br Payit
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Rumah Payit di Sungai Isap Damai 16 ??.
Tiada surau dalam imej ni. Saya rasa surau tu belum dibina semasa Google Earth tangkap gambar ni.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ehhh.. camni suma ceruk rantau pak tabib ni boleh cari... tak boleh nyorok daah!!
Kool Cafe dah jumpa ke?