Kolej Matrikulasi Johor

03 June 2007

Kolej Matrikulasi Johor

Right turn to Tangkak

Entry/front gate of Kolej Matrikulasi Johor

On the way for registration.

Checking the forms

In the room, first floor of block B

At cafeteria A

Block B (Al-Kindi)

One of the spectators.....

Map show the journey from Raub to Tangkak.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Look like it is going to rain! (actually it's a Photoshop effect, underexposed)
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


momilo said...

Congratulations! Anak dah masuk KMJ. Semoga berjaya dan cemerlang seterusnya.

Redzlan said...

Dia dapat offer ke PASUM (asasi UM), tapi Sains Fizikal. Masa SPM ambil Biology dan tak ambil lukisan kejuruteraan. Physic dia pulak rendah, so tak confidence kat UM. Kena ke Matrik lah (sains manusia!).

Anonymous said...

congrats dapat KMJ.. im sure u will have a blast kat sana... im begging to have a chance to go kmj again... miss that place a lot...