Bee Eater

20 February 2008

Bee Eater

Original Date/Time = 2008:02:20 08:11:27

Blue-throated Bee-eater (Merops viridis)

This is the first time I have seen this bird perched on the dead teak branches in the morning.
Usually a flock of about 20-30 birds perched in the evening, around 6.30-7.00pm. They wait for bees/insects and fly around my backyard. After about 15 minutes they are gone.

Original Date/Time = 2007:12:10 18:38:41

Nine birds at the east side of that dead tree branches.
Time 6:38 pm

My best image of this blue-throated bee-eater so far, except that the background is not a perfect blue sky. This photo is not enhanced, just crop and resize with Adobe Photoshop CS2
Now I know the importance of 'mirror lock' (MLU).

This is the edited version.

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