Merops viridis feeding time

25 February 2008

Merops viridis feeding time

I have been trying to photograph this Blue-throated Bee-eater feeding behavior for sometime but unsuccessfully, because they move very fast. This evening I got my record shot.

This black butterfly was big, and it took a while for him to swallow it. This give me time to focus and shot.

Bee-eaters hunt mainly by keeping watch for flying insects from a perch. The insect is snapped up in the bill, then the bird returns to the perch.

It knocks the prey against the perch/tree branch until it is inactive or killed before swallow the whole insect.

Original Date/Time = 2007:11:29 13:31:55

Actually I got one shot of this bird with prey last year.
I think this Bee Eater got the real bee.

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