Backyard Birding spot - Dead teak tree

28 March 2008

Backyard Birding spot - Dead teak tree

This picture was taken on 17 August 2007

Birding at my backyard is relatively easy. I just wait at my back door and point the binocular and camera to this tree. The birds will perch on that dead tree. This is called passive birding.
Now my birds count stay at 41 species, and most likely I would not find any new one. I started to get boring to see the same birds. Maybe I have to move to a new location, but TIME is the limiting factor.

Recent picture: 25 March 2008

Look what happened to this same dead teak tree in about six months. Most of the small branches are now gone.

This latest picture - 30th March 2008.
(Original Date/Time = 2008:03:30 18:02:03)

All the small branches at the left and center are now gone. Only the right (arrow) remain, for small birds to perched.

Another pictures of my backyard click here.

My set-up for bird photography, an entry level with Canon 400D + 400mm f5.6 telephoto lens.
The accessories are:-
* Opteka BP-XT Battery Grip
* Manfrotto 190XPROB Tripod
* Canon Speedlite 580EX
* Wimberley F1 Flash bracket
* Flash extension cord, Canon OC-E3
* Better beamer-FX3 Flash extender
* Remote switch RS-60E3
* Wimberley P20 Lens plate

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