Winter White dwarf hamsters - my children's pet

22 May 2008

Winter White dwarf hamsters - my children's pet

Despite their mother protest, I proceed and bought this little hamsters.
My children was delighted, and happy.

Their mother imposed a stick law regarding the 'rat' keeping.

i) Keep the 'rat' outside the house.
ii) Make sure no unwanted or smell / odour come out from that 'rat'.
iii) Strict hygiene control, "you wash the 'najis' yourself".
iv) Don't let her see the 'rat'.

The Chinese Hamster (Cricetulus griseus).
Winter White dwarf hamsters

The wild colour is greyish brown above with a black stripe down the spine and a whitish belly

This coloration, combined with their lithe build and longer tail, makes them look "mousy", in fact they are members of the group called ratlike hamster.

A Chinese hamster's body proportions, compared with those of other hamsters, appear "long and thin" and they have (for a hamster) a relatively long tail.

(Reference: Wikipedia)

We have two of this hamsters (not of same size - the pictures shown here is the bigger one (my son called 'Buntat'). Although it look tame, they can fight with each other. Off course the smaller one loose, and there was a small wound at the back- that my son applied a 'minyak afiat' to heal it.
So, I have to buy another housing to keep them individually.

- inside the orange ball


momilo said...

HAHAHA! I know exactly how the mak feels ... anak/pak punya pet, mak kena jaga. My kids pantang lalu depan kedai pets but I buat jegil bijik mata besar sikit ... selamaaaaaat.

Redzlan said...

Now she is a bit more tolerant to that hamster. Malam lepas hujan, Maknye dengar bunyi hamster dalam 'running wheels'. "Kesihan tikus tu sejuk, selumutkan dia". (sangkar hamster tu diletak di luar rumah).

Hanys Jehari said...

hye.. i just bought hamster.. i called him KOKO.. hamster bg makan apa ek?? koko suka makan kuaci, tapi i bc tak berapa elok bg kuaci.. n koko tak suka makn makanan yg i beli dr petshop..

Anonymous said...

I hope you do know those are actually Winter White dwarf hamsters. Chinese Dwarfs appear mouse-like.