Bukit Rengit - again!

08 June 2008

Bukit Rengit - again!

ElephantThis was my third trip to Bukit Rengit, every weekend for three consecutive weeks (phew!).
The first week was with MNS Birding group, than the second week birding with my son -Firdaus. Other didn't follow because of acute gastroenteritis - ate curry at 'kenduri kawin' (weeding reception).
My youngest son (in red shirt), told me "tak adil" (not fair) for bringing Firdaus only to that DeerFarm, so I have no choice during Agong holiday.
I did one hour of birding, but didn't see any lifer. Managed to shot a few bulbuls, but no decent pictures to show.

Went to Kuala Gandah Elephant Sanctuary, left early before the elephant show/bath at 2.00pm.

Here are some snap shot pictures.

Encik Abdullah the Deerland owner, feeding the Sun Bear with milk in a bottle.

Bukit RengitTaiwan Deer - very pretty with white spots.
Look at the back ground there. Huge grey male ''Rusa" with long antlers.

Bukit Rengit

watch out that black thing down there! :-)

Hanis chased by deer.

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