Insects - Dragonfly and wasp

30 July 2008

Insects - Dragonfly and wasp

Yellow dragonfly - Macrodiplax cora

Polistes sagittarius
Common name(s): Banded paper wasp/Banded Polistes

pic not sharp, as my previous wasp.


Amila Salgado said...

This dragonfly is in the Sri Lankan list but has not been featured in the dragonfly guide as none of the authored had been able to find one. One of them gave me a location and asked me to photograph it if possible.

So it is good to see how it looks as I have not seen it before.
It is named as Coastal Pennant in the SL dragonfly guide.

Jordan Sitorus said...

Hi there Tabib,

Nice attempts on the macro shots!

I tried macro shots using my 300mm L f4 IS USM which I think gives good results. However, I'm eyeing on a Canon 100mm macro which Ken Rockwell speaks highly of on a review at

I'm sure you have heard about the lens and if you don't mind telling, is it a good investment?

Can't wait to get my hands on one!


oldcrow61 said...

A beautiful dragonfly. Your shots of birds are wonderful. Nice to see what's in different places.

Redzlan said...

I got that species name from the website by comparing my image with the site's photo. It may not 100% correct, as to be sure you have to identify the wings pattern etc.

Jordan, I used only telephoto lenses (400mm f5.6) for that macro shot. To lazy to change for macro lens.
I think for best quality/price is the Tamron SP90. I read a lot of good review about this macro lens.
But if have enough $$ go for that canon 100mm, nothing can beat the ori lenses!

Thanks for a visit oldcrow61!
[are you 61 yrs old? :-)]