Serindit - Hanging Parrot feeding Mistletoe flowers

02 July 2008

Serindit - Hanging Parrot feeding Mistletoe flowers

Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot - Serindit
(Loriculus galgulus) ~ female.

This 'dedalu' (mistletoe) grew on top of mango tree. Here my old post about this dedalu.

Blue-crowned hanging parrots mainly eat fruits, nectar, buds, flowers, seeds, and occasionally small insects.
Example of fruits: - Chiku by Ken Poh, guava by Lam Chun See.

This is a male species, picture by themonnie. I think this bird must be in captivity, so sharp with only the normal lens (50mm at f2.2) used.
Image taken from Wikipedia.


Anonymous said...

it's so cute.

West Bremerton florist

Anonymous said...

i have a single male blue crwned hanging parrot...being pet since juvenile till adult...