Anatomy of Dragonfly's Head

12 August 2008

Anatomy of Dragonfly's Head

Dragonfly head anatomyI found this green dragonfly at my veranda this evening. It landed on the floor, so weak that it can't stand on its feet. The wings were still moving.

So, this is my chance to study the head/compound eyes closely.
A pair of green compound eyes, two small small antenna and three brown ocelli between it.
The labrum, mandible and labium are clearly visible.

** I did not kill this lovely insect just to photograph it, I just found it in this state of helplessness.


Razak Bin Ramli said...

Cantik gambar macro.Lepas ni nak cubalah ambil gambar macro pulak.

benludin said...

dasyat la encik tabib punya gambar2....

Gerald (SK14) said...

I'm not very knowledgeable about such creatures so thanks for your comments on the birds I occasionaly photograph.

Amila Salgado said...

Cool close up. This looks to be a Hawker of the family Aeshnidae that is active more at dusk & dawn. The state you found it in could be as a result of getting drawn into lights, which often happens with our types here.