Eagle Over the Moon at Kemasik Terengganu - White-bellied Sea-Eagle

24 September 2008

Eagle Over the Moon at Kemasik Terengganu - White-bellied Sea-Eagle

I submited this link to the Bird Phototograhy Weekly, from Bridfreak.com
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White-bellied Sea-Eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster)over the moon at Kemasik Terengganu Malaysia White-bellied Sea-Eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster) - Juvenile

White-bellied Sea-Eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster)over the moon at Kemasik Terengganu MalaysiaI traveled to Kuala Terengganu (a town at east cost of Penisular Malaysia) yesterday. A round trip of about 900km, visiting my late uncle's family. While resting at one of the mosque in Kemasik, I notice an eagle flew very low. I ran for a camera in a car, and before I could focus up the camera, it soared upward with a breeze.

 White-bellied Sea-Eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster)over the moon at Kemasik Terengganu Malaysia


Amila Salgado said...

I love the first and the second shots - the moon adds to the beauty of the shot.

I'd like to get one like that. Bu for the time being I will have to rely on photoshop.

Redzlan said...

I didn't notice the moon until the images uploaded into a computer.

Vickie said...

Beautiful images. I love the surprises we find when we finally look at our images. Beautiful moment.

Jordan Sitorus said...

WOW! Perfect timing! Great Shot. Hebat!

Duncan said...

Nice blog Tabib, I've linked to you. Love that first shot, great effect.

Unknown said...

Wow!!!this is beautiful, magic moment.