SkyWatch Friday - my second participation

12 September 2008

SkyWatch Friday - my second participation

Red rim of Clouds at Raub, Malaysia, just before sunset - at ISO 1600. This snap shot was taken by my son - Firdaus from a moving car.


Louise said...

Wow! The color in this is spectacular!

2sweetnsaxy said...

Your son took a great shot! Love the pink lining of the clouds. Have a great SWF! :-)

magiceye said...

looks like a painting... beautiful!

Anonymous said...

nice colors you captured in the sky

Indrani said...

This is so beautiful, mesmerizing. I have never seen a red lining on clouds like this.

Amila Salgado said...

Amazing capture considering he shot it while moving. You need to photoshop and include a Bat Hawk there.

Sarah Feeney said...

Great photo! Must have looked spectacular in real life! Congrats to your son for capturing such a great shot!

Roan said...

Great color. This is an exceptional shot. BJ

Mary said...

Simply gorgeous! The colors are amazing. :)

Adventure girl said...

New here. I love your sites. I added you to my photo blog list:)


Jane Hards Photography said...

Those colours are hynoptic.Beaustiful catch

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! I'd say your son will be a very fine photographer.

Country Girl said...

Taken from a moving car? Well now. Next time you will have to pull over and let him take his picture. Can you imagine how beautiful! This one is very very good!

the scrabbler said...

Congratulations, Firdaus!
Wah, dah kalahkan popularity abahnya!!

Arija said...

I do hope he wasn't driving at the time! The picture is amazing, I have seen many clouds with silver or gold linings but never with red ones. Wonderful catch.

Kim said...

Excellenst capture! Love the silhouete of the tree also!
Have a great weekend!

Jordan Sitorus said...

Like father like son... have a great weekend!

Laura ~Peach~ said...

beautiful I hope you keep participating!!!!!!