Skywatch Friday Forest at Raub Malaysia - my # 6

17 October 2008

Skywatch Friday Forest at Raub Malaysia - my # 6

This leafless trees are part of the forest at a slope of the hill, situated about 1 km to the west of my house.
Leafless trees at a forest in Raub Malaysia - Skywatch Friday  Forest at Raub MalaysiaActually there are leaves at those trees if you look closely (click on the picure for large image)

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Photo Cache said...

they are very pretty and resemble a broom stick.

Enigma said...

A neat image!! Very of those shots that you just want to keep looking at for some time.

Kathie Brown said...

Wow, that's a very interesting shot. All the trees make a pattern on the hillside. I like how the foliage changes fromn top to bottom!

Ann said...

Interesting shot, didn't realise they were trees at first until I realised the perspective.

wickedwarhol said...

Assalamualaikum. I like this kind of picture with sharp details all around. The tall frame is a good choice keeping the sky to the minimum.
Have a wonderful weekend ahead. :-)

Anonymous said...

Very interesting forest scene - it looks so lush! Beautiful blue sky above!

FO - 2 said...

Very nice.
Layers of different trees and foliage.
Good composition. :)
Thanks for visiting my blog
and welcome back.
Wishing you a happy weekend! :)

EG CameraGirl said...

Such tall, skinny trees! Happy Sky Watch!

Anonymous said...

I think the wind comes most often from one direction -- from the right side of the photo. Happy SkyWatch, Tabib.

Arija said...

Lovely the way the trees stretch their heads above the rest of the greenery.

Louise said...

Quite an interesting view! Nice SWF post.

Raquel Sabino Pereira said...

A beautiful photo!!...
Happy SWF Day!!!!!

vincibene said...

Very interesting photo!

Laura ~Peach~ said...

amazing photo!

Jeannelle said...

Unique and beautiful nature shot! Happy SkyWatching! Greetings from Iowa, USA.