I heard a lot of story about this great architect, but never seen it until Sunday.
Dull dark brownbird foraging at the small leafless tree. Only when I viewed at camera LCD later at home, than I realized that I found a Baya Weaver.
I did not see any male species or nest in this trip. The next visit is under planning.
Baya Weaver (Ploceus philippinus) - female
Burung Tempua burung Kenari
Terbang tinggi tanpa jemu
Puas sudah aku mencari
Baru kini dapat bertemu
Terbang tinggi tanpa jemu
Puas sudah aku mencari
Baru kini dapat bertemu
Baya Weaver (Ploceus philippinus)
Local name; Burung Tempua, aka Ciak Tempua
Size (cm) 15