Two years old ~ Happy blogoversary!

12 November 2008

Two years old ~ Happy blogoversary!

I didn't relized that I have been blogging for 2 years until Teena in Toronto posted a comment "Happy blogoversary!" yesterday.
My first posting in this blog was on November 11, 2006, about my 'first love' with Amiga 500 Computer, 23 years ago.
This is the screen shot of my posting at the newsgroup 15 years ago, using UUCP text base command line interface, (hypertext and the www was born in 1991)

My early entry in this blog were about family travel, personal rambling, PDA and GPS.
It evolved over time and my hobby changed.
I have changed the tittle of this blog a few time , from; "My Personal & random thoughts" to "GPS, PDA and dSLR Addicts" to "Birds and Digital SLR Passion" to present "Birds and Nature Photography - by Tabib"

This two Magpie Robin pictures were taken at the same metal perch. Notice how much difference after 17 months of birds photography.

Wet Female Oriental Magpie Robin at Backyard in Raub Malaysia22 September 2008
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
9 April 2007
My first posting about Bird Photography - 10 April 2007


Chrissy said...

Well Happy Anniversary and I encourage your to keep up the fine work you've been doing. Your photos are amazing and it's like a feast to the eyes. Have a wonderful week.

Anonymous said...

Happy Blog-iversary from me, too! Keep up the good work Tabib.

the scrabbler said...

Happy Anniversary!
I missed mine too :(

Amila Salgado said...

Well well how can an you forget your blogoversary! Congratulations, Tabib! Keep up the good work.

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary.
Thanks for viewing and you are most welcome to visit Sarawak & I'm always around.

Lana Gramlich said...

Happy blogiversary! It's strange...It seems like EVERYONE's blogiversary's in November. I wonder why that might be...
Keep up the great work, regardless!

zzlaloq said...

the 'murai' pic sure shows alot of improvement.. another inspiration for me to improve!