SkyWatch Friday - New Year 2009 - Oriental Honey-buzzard

02 January 2009

SkyWatch Friday - New Year 2009 - Oriental Honey-buzzard

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Oriental Honey-buzzard Pernis ptilorhyncus - Rufous morphOriental Honey-buzzard (Pernis ptilorhyncus) - Rufous morph
Oriental Honey-buzzard Pernis ptilorhyncus - Rufous morph
Oriental Honey-buzzard Pernis ptilorhyncus - Rufous morphMy first bird in flight for 2009, caught it while birding near the Raub's District Officer residence


Anonymous said...

It's so inspirational to watch these birds soaring through the air. I hope you are enjoying your new camera Tabib and I look forward to seeing more of your country through your lens in the coming weeks and months. I hope you have a wonderful birding experience in 2009.

Thomas Vattakaven said...

Nice catch, Happy New Year.

indicaspecies said...

Fabulous pictures of the Oriental Honey Buzzard.

I wish you a very Happy 2009.

- celine

Tom said...

Excellent capture.... and certainly a great Sky Watchers shot. I also visited your other blog and really enjoyed your pictures there....

Sharon said...

FANTASTIC lucky you were to catch this magnificent bird in flight!

Ivar Østtun said...

Aeonderful bird. Great shots. Happy new year.

Lana Gramlich said...

What a beautiful bird! Nice shots, too. I have problems catching birds in flight. Gotta learn more about my camera.
Sorry for my recent absence. I've been busy with my offline life (with the holidays & all.) My best to you & yours for 2009!

esnorway said...

Nice pics happy new year

vincibene said...

Wonderful series!

Unknown said...

A very happy 2009 new year to you & may health with be with you & your Family through the year 2009.

The Birdlady said...

Very, very nice.

angie {the arthur clan} said...

These really are all lovely shots...absolutely stunning.

Arija said...

More of your great bird shots.. I love 'em!

Julie said...

beautiful shots. I just got a new telephoto lens and now can't find a single hawk to capture in flight. But I am patient. Your bird photo's are wonderful

Anonymous said...

nice job of catching this big bird! and i love the washed out sky as a backdrop...

Unknown said...

You have some wonderful photos here. I'll have to came back and look again.
Thanks for visiting my site.

Tootie said...

What a beautiful bird! Happy and prosperous 2009.

Tammie Lee said...

wonderful sky watch images, I would have been watching that sky!

Mojo said...

Outstanding work! Birds in flight are tough to capture in my experience. I normally have to shoot on high-speed continuous drive when they make a pass and hope I got a shot or two worth keeping. And this kind of detail is hard to get.

Sarah Feeney said...

Wowee! Great photos! Thanks for popping past my blog for SWF! :)