Jelir Lidah! - Rufous Woodpecker's Tongue

17 February 2009

Jelir Lidah! - Rufous Woodpecker's Tongue

Rufous Woodpecker (Celeus brachyurus)
Rufous Woodpecker (Celeus brachyurus)Rufous Woodpecker (Celeus brachyurus)

Rufous Woodpecker
(Celeus brachyurus)

I have two birds that show their tongue;
1. Common Flameback protruding tongue.
2. Little Spiderhunter elongated 'tube' tongue.


Anonymous said...

Excellent shots. It tongue looks like its got a fish in its mouth!!

Anonymous said...

That is some Woodpecker!

Beautiful photos!

Anonymous said...

Really great woodpecker! Thanks for showing.

Jordan Sitorus said...

For days I was frustrated coz my 3G line was slow & unable to upload and show blog's photos...I was so curious to see this action shot.

My wait is over...That's one heck of an action shot! Great stuff

Amila Salgado said...

I envy these pics as I missed a golden opportunity to photograph this species last week. It was all due to limitations of digiscopy!