Pond Heron in flight - Old and New

21 February 2009

Pond Heron in flight - Old and New

Recent pictures - taken in February 2009
Pond Heron noise filtered image
The above image was filtered/ denoised with Noiseware Community Edition. For original unfiltered image click this small picture.
Pond-Heron (Ardeola sp.)

Pond Heron in flight

old pictures - taken in February 2008
Flying Pond Heron

Pond Heron


Anonymous said...

These look like some good shots and that you have taken some time to find these places.

What ISO did you use and what tyoe of lens.

Seems that some of the shots have high ISO.

But that is expected for long focal lengths.

Good work!


ivars krafts said...

Great photos, I love the second one in particular - dramatic!

Anonymous said...

Great picture of this magnificent creatures. O, do I love birds. I am a bit of an ornithologist, but because of a lack of time and not being in the right place, you lose your knowledge.
Beautiful blog. Nice SWF posting.

Redzlan said...

That was at ISO 400, which I normally did with 400mm f/5.6 + 1.4xTC.
The first picture was crop about 100%, so the graininess are inevitable.

Thanks Ivar and Erwin for your comments.

Lana Gramlich said...

Oooh! Look at those WINGS! Lovely shots, Tabib!

Amila Salgado said...

Pond herons are nice subjects to learn bird photography. You can get rid of camera noise through a software named Noiseware Professional.

Redzlan said...

I edited that high ISO picture with "Noiseware Community Edition", freeware and quite please with the outcome.

Gallicissa, Great frogmouth picture.

Unknown said...

The photos are amazingly beautiful. Lot's more to learn from you, Mr Tabib!

zzlaloq said...

I have notice your pics have been increasingly sharper these days.. or is it becoz of new body? Me too using iso 400 most of the time on 350d body.

Unknown said...

I enjoyed viewing your excellent images of the pond heron and little egret in flight. I particularly enjoy your comments regarding the gear and settings you use. Although I shoot Nikon, I found your expertise helpful. I've added your blog to my favorites list so that I can return often.