Long-Tailed Parakeet , SkyWatch Friday

27 March 2009

Long-Tailed Parakeet , SkyWatch Friday

Burung Bayan Nuri
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Parakeet and Myna
Parakeet and MynaCommon Myna chased away by Female Long-tailed Parakeet

Burung Bayan Nuri, Long-tailed Parakeet (Psittacula longicauda)Long-tailed Parakeet (Psittacula longicauda)Long-tailed Parakeet (Psittacula longicauda), male (left above) and female (right).
Long-tailed Parakeet (Psittacula longicauda)Long-tailed Parakeet (Psittacula longicauda)male Parakeet with bright coloured beak


Guy D said...

haha great shots of the parakeet, I love it.

Have a great weekend!
Regina In Pictures

Louise said...

It is so difficult for me to imagine birds like this living in the wild. Beautiful they are!

Sylvia K said...

Great shots! Love the parakeet, never seen them in the wild! They're beautiful! Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend!

Bryan said...

The colors of these birds simply amaze me.

Anonymous said...

My fav is the upmost pic. It's funny and pleases the eye. Happy SWF!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Terrric Parakeet,they are beautiful birds.

Anonymous said...

Interesting and brilliant shots of the bird and sky together :)

Indrani said...

These parakeets are very aggressive! Great captures!

Anonymous said...

We had once an Amazon parrot here in cold snowy Finland, he did not like it even in our warm house, it`s easy to understand.
Your blog is a wonderful storage of nature treasures ( I am a biologist myself ! )
And your son has plenty of objects in your country. Greetings to him.
I and my 9years ild grandson made for his a Aminus blog.
If your son would like to see it the address is:


I have been there in Kuala Lumpur and your old Capital with my husband, but unfortunately it was before a digital time.

Nicwe days to you!

Linnea said...

Where do you find such interesting subjects to photograph!? WOW!

Anonymous said...

I still find it interesting that birds of that type fly around on the loose. Here they are only in cages. They are very pretty, as are the butterflies below. I also enjoyed the music video, it seems there are rock stars all over the world. :-)

Boo said...

Wow. You're so incredibly lucky to have such a beautiful surrounding to get so many wonderful shots. I've looked through and just love your wildlife photo's. Amazing work, and thanks for visiting my site!


Unknown said...

Bukan senang nak jumpa parakeet.Wow!!great.
Have a wonderful weekend.

Anonymous said...

You are so skilled in identifying which bird is which, I can even which is a common myna here in our country, I just hear my friends say there's a myna. Wonderful way to show the sky, so interesting.

Vicky said...

all your pictures are beautifully captured! Happy SWF.

Anonymous said...

great captures of the parakeet...it's plumage is a lovely mix of colors.
have a wonderful weekend.

Unknown said...

Great shots Tabib, love the motion in the first one.

Anonymous said...

Great photos as always Tabib!

My Skywatch:
Full Moon Sunset

Arija said...

You do take great bird shots!

Lana Gramlich said...

Wow...such a beautiful bird!