Man made and nature - SkyWatch Friday

20 March 2009

Man made and nature - SkyWatch Friday

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Telecom Tower
Telecom Tower


Louise said...

I love the color of that sky!

Your bird photo in the previous post is excellent!

Sylvia K said...

Beautiful blue sky and it makes a great background for the tower! Happy SWF!

Jim said...


floreta said...

this looks almost alien. i also agree about the birds.. cute!

Unknown said...

The striking blue sky attract my attention.Nice shot.

Have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

A great place for a hawk to nest.

Paul said...

the blue in that sky is amazing!

the bird pics on here and your other blog are like none i have ever seen before. Well Done

Photo Cache said...

the color is amazing.

Deb said...

that is an interesting photo, love the sky, thank you for stopping by to visit

Guy D said...

Great shot, love the dark clouds behind.

Have a great weekend!
Regina In Pictures

Anonymous said...

A dark sky..unique capture :)

Lene said...

Cool ;)

Have a great weekend (lots to watch on tv, I see;)

ninja said...

I'm not the first one to say this but great color of the background sky. Like it's going to rain any minute.

Unknown said...

Very cool shot against that dramatic dark sky!

Lana Gramlich said...

Wow...looks like stormy weather!

Jane Hards Photography said...

That is ana awesome image.

The Write Girl said...

Very cool shot. Perfect for sky watch friday. Thanks for checking out my post and the funny comment about the alien in the picture : )

Take care

magiceye said...

beautifully composed!