My Butterfly - Rama-rama

26 March 2009

My Butterfly - Rama-rama

Papilio nephelus sunatus"Black & White Helen" (Papilio nephelus sunatus)
Cupha erymanthis lotis (Rustic)Grey Pansy (Junonia atlites) - thank to Amila Salgado for ID

White ButterflyStriped Albatross (Appias libythea olferna) - male
Yellow ButterflyCommon grass-yellow butterfly (Eurema hecabe contubernalis)

Rama-rama song by Malaysian Rock Queen - Ella


Anonymous said...

You are Ella fan? ;-))

Anonymous said...

These are real ooooooo-aaaaaah shots. Spectacular and beautiful.

Chris said...

Wonderful shots!! Have a nice week end.

Amila Salgado said...

Great shots as usual.
The one yiou have named as Rustic is actually a Grey Pansy Junonia atlites

Razak Bin Ramli said...

Gaya manja Ella memang menghiburkan.