New bird on Maulidul Rasul Holiday

10 March 2009

New bird on Maulidul Rasul Holiday

Monday, 12 Rabiulawal 1430 Hijrah

Purple Heron (Ardea purpurea)
Purple Heron (Ardea purpurea)
Purple Heron (Ardea purpurea) sneaking very slowly at Lotus pond - Taman Bandar Raub
Purple Heron (Ardea purpurea) I submitted this bird picture to the Bird Photography Weekly at
Click the above Logo to participate.


Lara said...

beautiful birds! your page presents so many wonderful things!

The Birdlady said...


Anonymous said...

That's quite the beautiful variation of our Great Blue Heron. But I really do enjoy your purple variety.

Jama said...

That's a beautiful bird!
I went to the Bird Park here in Singapore, lots of birds there, some are free rein, I think you'll happy here. Come down to Spore and I'll bring you there.

Bob Kaufman said...

What a colorful (and aptly named) heron! Great shot, Tabib!

Razak Bin Ramli said...

Saya pergi tak jumpa pun burung.
Rezeki tu...

Anonymous said...

Nice Shots, I`ve seen some of these while in India.