Baya Weaver Nest - Sarang Ciak Tempua

14 April 2009

Baya Weaver Nest - Sarang Ciak Tempua

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I found this still incomplete Baya Weaver nest just out side the Raub's Golf course one Sunday evening.
I waited for a half and hour for the birds, but non came in to the nest. It start to rain and I have to find it the next time.
Sarang Ciak Tempua Baya Weaver Nest
Freshly built nest - note the green colour outside the dry layers.
Sarang Ciak Tempua Baya Weaver NestSarang Ciak Tempua Baya Weaver Nest
Baya Weaver's nests at various stages. The one at the left is nearly complete with entering tunnel.
Sarang Ciak Tempua Baya Weaver Nest

Sarang Ciak Tempua Baya Weaver NestThis one hanging from the bamboo stalk, precariously and very near the laterite road that lead to Durian orchard. Lucky this road is very quite and only use by the orchard workers that didn't bother with the nest.
Ciak Tempua Baya Weaver (Ploceus philippinus) Baya Weaver (Ploceus philippinus) - female
I photograph this last year (Original Date/Time = 2008:11:23 09:18:49)

For the next few days, I will post much more better quality pics than this.


Dale Forbes said...

hi Tabib, those weaver nests are interesting - rather messy compared to most of the African species I know.

The nest opening direction and the length of the nests also seem to be rather variable - is that normal? or are the various nests mostly practice nests (and from young males) and that the final nests are mostly more uniform or neat?

I would love to hear your insight

Happy birding

Redzlan said...

Hi Dale!,
Thanks for a visit.

The pictures that I posted are of incomplete nests, so they have variable opening and length.
When competed the Baya Weaver here have a nest that look like an upside down flask with long neat entering tube/tunnel.
I will post more picture later.
Stay tune! ;-)

İlhami Uyar said...

thanks a lot share for perfect photos,I congrulate for you,best wishes.

Lana Gramlich said...

I've never seen those kinds of "weaver" nests, personally. Thanks for sharing yours!

Anonymous said...

Wow, first time i see them so close.
Thanks for sharing, grear shots.
Mary ElizabethBlog.

sakaigirl said...

Wow, you have a great favor towards Malaysia birds huh, proud of you! Great shots you got here!

Suffeli kuvailee said...

thank you once visited a village home pages! beautiful pictures you have!

Unknown said...

Photo #1. very good BOKEH.Thanks for the visit..If you visit Sarawak.The best pulut Panggang is only in Sibu.

Erin said...

oh what a fascinating post of the nests...enjoyed this very much. thank you for sharing with us.

Sylvia K said...

Hi Tabib! love the weaver nests! What great shots! Interesting to see the slight differences between them! Great post!!!

Dale said...

thanks for the info Tabib, I look forward to the photos of the conpleted nests.


Louise said...

This is really a terrific MWT post! Very interesting!

Regina said...

Nice birding..your photos are really good.

Arija said...

My kind of high rise tenements. I bet they are earthquake proof too.
Great shots.

Gunilla said...

What a fantastic birds nest. Here in Sweden we haven´t any bird building like that.
Thank you for showing me this

Gunilla in Sweden

Everyday Goddess said...

Hi I just found you through the My World site. I am fascinated by your dedication to birding!

zackmohd said...

you can still find those nests if you travel to the rural areas in malaysia..