Baya Weaver with nesting material

06 May 2009

Baya Weaver with nesting material

I have been following the progress of Baya Weaver nesting here in Raub, but never see the bird actually bring the nesting material to the nest. When Yien visited the grassland at 2.00pm, I told him that we might no see the bird in this very not afternoon. But he bring so much luck, for the male Weaver made more than ten trip to the nest with long lalang leaf (Imperata cylindrica). Amazing!.
Baya Waver with nesting material
master of weaving
Baya Waver with nesting materialBaya Waver with nesting materialBaya Waver with nesting material

Male Baya Weavers
(Ploceus philippinus)

Baya Waver with nesting material
Baya Waver with nesting material


Anonymous said...

What fun. This weaver looks very focused on his work.

Zack said...

Great catch!
The bird did not scared of you. How far both of you from the nest?