Burung Murai - Magpie Robin Watcing the Sky

15 May 2009

Burung Murai - Magpie Robin Watcing the Sky

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Magpie Robin, Murai
Oriental Magpie Robin (Copsychus saularis)
Magpie Robin, Murai
Burung Murai


Unknown said...

Perfect !! Love it.

Gennasus said...

Beautiful bird and lovely blue sky.

Anonymous said...

Tabib - These two shots are really awesome! Great compositions.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Magnificent magpie. Even showing you his best side.

Photo Cache said...

What a glorious image of a beautiful bird. Is he sitting on top of a banana leaf?

Happy weekend.

erin said...

saw similar bird in rome and finally figured out it was a magpie...they are quite yackers. beautiful capture as always.
you capture the birds beautifully :)

Maria said...

I have never seen a robin of a different coloring... thanks for the "new view" ~Maria

Guy D said...

Brilliant captures, your photos are always a joy to view.

Have a great weekend.
Regina In Pictures

Sylvia K said...

Really beautiful shots, Tabib! Beautiful bird and clear blue sky!

Vickie said...

I always think these striking black and white magpies are a treat!

Rocks said...

Beautiful bird against blue sky!! So lovely!!

alicesg said...

Lovely shot of the bird. Good one for skywatch. Have a nice weekend.

Unknown said...


Magnificent images of Magpie.
I love the shot..have a wonderful weekend.

Chris said...

Wonderful shot.

Huzhar said...

Excellent capture. Beautiful bird and nice blue sky. Have a nice weekend..

2sweetnsaxy said...

Great shots and what a wonderful looking bird!

Luiz Santilli Jr said...

Hi Tabib

Wonderful capture!

Geat composition, my friend!


Unknown said...

Gorgeous shots!

Unknown said...

Very cool shot of the magpie against the beautiful, blue sky !

Arija said...

A beautiful Magpie Robin.