Eurasian Tree Sparrow with nesting material?

13 May 2009

Eurasian Tree Sparrow with nesting material?

I noticed this Sparrow with fresh grass leaves at its beak one evening. I know this is not the food (they eat only grass seeds). Is this the nesting material?
Eurasian Tree SparrowEurasian Tree Sparrow

Eurasian Tree Sparrow

Eurasian Tree Sparrow


Chris said...

Interestingly Tabib, this bird looks like our house sparrow in France!! Very similar indeed. Nice shots, it is all the time exciting to see them with nest materials.

Anonymous said...

We call these "House Sparrows" here, but it is the same bird. I saw one today with a bill full of nesting material.

Redzlan said...

There are from same Passer genus.
This is what I got from Wikipedia;
House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) and Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus)

Anonymous said...

There was some little voice that I didn't pay attention to when I commented..."Verify it in your field guide...verify it in your feild guide." Yes, I see the differnece now.

Vickie said...

I always enjoy seeing the birds at work, nesting, singing, eating,scolding...a glimpse of their lives. Nice images.