This is a wild bird

02 May 2009

This is a wild bird

Not a caged bird
Pied Fantail (Rhipidura javanica)
Pied Fantail (Rhipidura javanica)
Pied Fantail (Rhipidura javanica)


Chris said...

Excellent. It was posing for you! Excellent shot, really sharp.

Amila Salgado said...

good capture and title!

Anonymous said...

That is a real beauty. A perfect shot. Wow. I am impressed.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Love the title, adore the image, learnt of another new bird. He's posing for you. Remarkable

Anonymous said...

That hole in that fence are too big for a caged bird. ;)

GreenLava said...

Great photoblog, why don't you nominate it for Blogger's Choice Awards. I suggest under Hobby and Photography categories. I'll definitely vote for you.
The link

B SQUARED said...

I've just recently become fascinated with birds. Beautiful, amazing creatures that constantly amuse and entertain me.

Razak Bin Ramli said...

Kalau dulu-dulu... masa tengah main lastik....posisi burung macam ni dipanggil mendada.Peluang kena lastik
besar.Selalunya burung merbah kunyit.
Lepas kena lastik tu...pandai pulak
nak bagi rawatan letak minyak burung gud-gud/bot-bot(species burung ekor panjang,memang berkesan untuk luka-luka.Lebih kurang minyak gamat.) Zalimnya masa budak-budak dulu.

Anonymous said...

LOL, this puts this bird into a scale. I thought it was bigger than it is.