Bird Photography at Fraser's Hill Bird Race

22 June 2009

Bird Photography at Fraser's Hill Bird Race

As I said in the previous entry that I did not take part in the race, but just having fun and showing my friend Razak Ramli and Hairie what bird photography is all about.
We went to Abu Suradi trail and managed to shots a few birds, no new bird/lifer for me today.
This is a view at Jalan Pecah Batu Fraser's Hill, in front of the Tamil Primary School.
Jalan Pecah Batu, Fraser's Hill

two birder (Hairie & Tabib) at one of Fraser's Hill trail - photo by Razak Ramli
Birder or novice bird photogThat's me sporting the new binocular harness, in front of the closing ceremony stage. The prizes and medal presentation of Bird Race was held at 2.30pm .
I visited the exhibition booths and met Jason Tan from Trifid Optical Supplies and brought a lens pen from him. There I also met our hardworking organizer of the event Dato' Shafik Fauzan, Pahang Tourism, Arts and Heritage Committee chairman. Then I bought a binocular harness and MNS Cap at Malaysian Nature Society booth. That "Bin Harness" will relieve the stress on my neck from the weight of heavy binocular.

Little-pied Flycatcher
This pic of Little Pied Flycatcher was taken at the roadside - at roundabout near the children's play ground. This tiny (12cm) bird perched on Melastoma tree and was so obliging, allowing us to take pictures for a few minutes. My friend was so excited to see this.
Little Pied Flycatcher
Little Pied Flycatcher (Ficedula westermanni)

Caching the little pied Flycatcher
This is how two excited photographers (Tabib & Hairie) in action - pic by Razak Ramli
that pink flowers are Melastoma shrub.
Sky Rat
very common Long-tailed Sibia aka Sky Rat (Heterophasia picaoides)
Sky RatMountain Pigeon
and not so common Little Cuckoo Dove (Macropygia ruficeps)
Laughing Trush
abundance and noisy Chestnut-capped Laughing thrush (Garrulax mitratus), but difficult to  get a good picture of this feeding chick.
Loughing trush feeding chick

Unlike this common Pacific Swallow (Hirundo tahitica) that nesting and feeding the chicks at the old house in front of the Tamil Primary School.
Pacific Swallow Feeding her chicks
Pacific Swallow feeding her chicks
Pacific Swallow Feeding her chicks


Madibirder said...

Looks like you had fun at the Birds Race. Marvellous photo of the Little Pied Flycatcher.

Anonymous said...

Love the swallow feeding her baby. All the photos are great :)

Anonymous said...

I never leave here without a smile on my face. I love the Little Pied Flycatcher. Black masked birds with black eyes are tough!

Kelly said...

The Little Pied Flycatcher is so cute...and the Chestnut-capped laughing thrush looks like it has very long eyelashes! I need to get a harness for my binocs. I've started carrying them just on my right shoulder to keep the strain of my neck, but I'd like a harness.

Razak Bin Ramli said...

Memang mencabar untuk capture gambar burung liar.

Birdy Official said...

Something behind words. Just beautiful and amazing.

zzlaloq said...

nice pics you got, miss out this year..if not sure want to meet the author

Unknown said...

wow ! There are so many bird species over at Fraser's Hill.

Anonymous said...

I really like your photographs in this post. I have never seen any of these birds here where I live in Ohio, but I still think they are so nice to see. I like the birds being fed photographs too.

Your camera equipment is nice to see.

Amila Salgado said...

Sounds like you've a successful tour. That Chestnut-capped Laughing thrush is pretty. I am keen to attend this birding event one day.

Marju said...

Beautiful !!!!

Jordan Sitorus said...

I heard so much about birds in Fraiser Hill! My buddies are going there this not anytime soon.

I'm easily become addicted to places with lots of, I think I better stay put for now!

The time will come...hehehe