Road to MRSM Kuala Lipis - SkyWatch Friday

26 June 2009

Road to MRSM Kuala Lipis - SkyWatch Friday

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I went to Kuala Lipis to visit my son Firdaus at a boarding school (MRSM) last month.
With my wife at a driving seat, I took the opportunity to snap a few pics.
Road to MRSM K. Lipis
the straight road
Road to MRSM K. Lipiswinding road
and the winding road
winding roadthe final left bend to MRSM K. Lipis
Maktab Rendah Sains Mara Kuala Lipis
MRSM Kuala Lipis, view from the main road
Maktab Rendah Sains Mara Kuala Lipis


Erin said...

that was kind of your wife to do the driving so you could snap shots. beautiful ride to the school.
have a wonderful weekend.

Photo Cache said...

You were blessed with gorgeous weather when you took the road trip to the boarding school. Thanks for taking us with you.

Sylvia K said...

Beautiful weather it would seem for your road trip. How nice of your wife to drive so you capture such lovely shots. Beautiful school! Thanks for sharing!

Have a lovely weekend!

Guy D said...

Great tones in these photos, I love em.

Have a nice weekend
Regina In Pictures

Wai Yien said...


they have already fledged the nest and I saw one of the Juvenile and no photograph.

Linnea said...

Cool shots. It looks like a nice drive to your son's school...and what a school it is! Wow!

Louise said...

Pretty sky, and such green vegetation along the road. I love your bird in the next post,too. It looks like s/he means business!

Jama said...

It must have been a very long ride to the school eh? Do you visit him often?

Michele said...

It's such a beautiful area. Such lush greenery. Very good shots considering you were driving...

Thanks for dropping by, I appreciate it!

Anonymous said...

my last school..2003/2004,,im the second batch at MRSM K.lipis..nice pic anyway

Anonymous said...

Hye, well nice pics you have. Actually, just wanted to say that I was the previous batch of this college 2004-2008....great experience n school. Best of luck to your son btw!