Baya Weaver Nesting - Update and Bird's nest fate

16 July 2009

Baya Weaver Nesting - Update and Bird's nest fate

The latest image of Baya Weaver in Raub Golf Course.
Only a few nests are completed with the entrance long tube. Many nests are missing, destroyed by male weaver or most likely taken by humans. Baya Weaver nests are sold as garden and house decoration for RM 5 to 30 - like this, this, this , what a shame. There is even a restaurant that decorated with this nest, and named is "Restoren Sarang Burung" (bird nest restaurant).
Here Bird Nest Paddler photographed by Hasbullah from Sg. Petani, Kedah.
He took the picture in July last year -still the breeding season (March to September -depend to locality) , so the nest must be active with chicks inside.

(image with permission)

The four nests that Yen and I saw in May were missing.

Burung Tempua Baya Weaver
The female Baya Weaver enters the nest with food,
...and exit with a fecal sac in her mouth.
Baya Weaver Nesting
We can't see the chick feeding here, because they are all inside the closed nest.
So, we have to wait for fledgling to see it feeding outside the nest.
Baya Weaver NestingThe male weaver is still helping in maintaining the nest (see that new green grass strip)
Baya Weaver Nesting


Anonymous said...

: (

CreativeMish said...

What a cool nest! I've never seen anything like it!

Razak Bin Ramli said...

Tiada ke undang yang melarang jualan
sarang burung tempua ini.Kesian burung susah payah buat senang -senang manuasia bagi jahanam kan.
Mungkin masa tu ada telur atau anak burung.Kejam manusia yang buat begitu.Pentingkan diri sendiri sapa yang jual dan beli.

Denise said...

That's such a great shame and very sad. These little birds work so hard to build those beautiful nests. Your photos are wonderful though, and bring to light an important issue. I hope something can be done and hope these beautiful little birds won't become a thing of the past.

zzlaloq said...

pity the birds!

Kelly said...

The nest is absolutely amazing. How sad people would take the nests for decorations....
I hope your photos help educate people to the trauma it causes the birds.

Arija said...

I cannot understand how anyone could steal so beautiful a home. Just as criminal as stealing a house. I kb
now they sell them for minimal amounts of money but don't they realise they are killing the goose thst lsys the golden eggs?

Madibirder said...

As long as there are buyers, plundering of the nests will continue. Most people assume that the nest on sale were taken after they have become inactive, in reality it's NOT TRUE.
I remember seeing on the news a distressed mother pleading for the return of her 2 siblings after her car was stolen, with the kids inside. That's how these Baya Weavers must feel when their nest and chicks are taken.
People have to be educated to stop buying these nests. They think that by hanging the nests at their houses they are closer to nature, but it's totally the opposite.

The Birdlady said...

Wonderful photos - heartbreaking story...all that work!

Amila Salgado said...

Very sad to see this happening there.

Judy said...

Magnificent action photos of the mother coming and going!! I had never thought how she did that, and now you have shown me!

Wai Yien said...

this country of ours lacks enforcement, should copy to our Wildlife Department for their attention.