Bird Photography with Camera Phone

05 July 2009

Bird Photography with Camera Phone

I hope you can see the green bird here. This bird did not move when I parked my car near the cherry tree. With only hand phone camera in my pocket, this is the best that I can get.

Barbet at Cherry tree


DeniseinVA said...

So lush and green. The bird was so well camouflaged it took me a minute to find him but then it is late and I am very tired, my concentration is at a low ebb :) Great camera phone shot!

Kelly said...

Oh...I see him! At first I didn't, then he just popped into view. Lovely...I couldn't imagine seeing something that exotic just perching in a tree...gorgeous.

Chris said...

Superb Tabib.
Not so easy to see him in this green forest I guess, but you got it!

Jordan Sitorus said...

Hahaha! Great effort Tabib. A friend of mine improvised & managed to digiscope a nesting Besra last year with a handphone & it was beautiful!
Well, what can I say?? guys like you makes things happen!
