SkyWatch Friday - Baya Weaver nests site

17 July 2009

SkyWatch Friday - Baya Weaver nests site

Baya weaver nest is built in trees near fresh water and open ground with plenty of nesting material, long grass at this durian orchard.
It hangs from a far end of a branch, probably to evade the predator such as snakes and squirl , but that exposes them to the biggest predator of all - HUMAN!

Road at Bayaweaver nest

I took this picture with the Handphone camera on April 24. When I visited that site again last weekend, all the nest was gone.
Baya Waever Nest
Baya Weaver's nest

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Erin said... sad that they nests were destroyed.
how many eggs does the baya weaver usually hatch? and is the bird population dwindling?
as always, enjoy visiting.
have a great weekend

Anonymous said...

I saw your post yesterday and could not believe that this could happen.

I hope that your work will raise the awareness of the people in your area.

Dagrun said...

So, so sad....

Happy SWF anyway, and thank you for sharing.

Unknown said...

This what happen whenever people see whatever can make cash out of its...I like the view its so peacefully:)
Have a wonderful weekend.

Sylvia K said...

Your pictures are great, but that is so sad!! I do hope your posts will help make people more aware of the problem! Thanks for all you do to raise awareness!

Photo Cache said...

Wow, what a great nest. The sky is always pretty where you are, even during moonsoon season.

ItaJeff said...

what a nice and peaceful view. Beautiful sky too.
Happy skywatching

Bradley Hsi said...

Amazing to see how the Baya Weaver weaves its nest. How much damage the the bird population when human steal their nest. Have they been able to rebuild, fast enough?

Tabib said...

This have been going on for years.
I found and old articles from Star On-line in 2003, about the same predicament.
Although the bird are not threatened and in "Least Concern (LC)" at an IUCN category, we should not harm the birds and chicks.

Will said...

Great photos but a sad story. Loved the sequence in your other blog too. Thanks for visiting my site.

kbguy said...

Very interesting place to visit and lots of fruits to eat too, I presume.

Eric said...

My heart goes out to the first one, great composition, very nice colors too!!

Have a great SWF

Greatings from NL

Jane Hards Photography said...

Just read your post. Such beautiful images for such sad dialogue. Very sad.

Louise said...

Is it strange that all the nests were gone? Very interesting.

Mark Kreider said...

Your photography is way beyond fantastic! The detail is phenominal.

FO - 2 said...

Wonderful landscape and pictures. :)

Baruch said...

Great scenery and SWF contributions