SkyWatch Friday

10 July 2009

SkyWatch Friday

This strange looking tree was photographed at the right side of the Cipularang toll road Jakarta to Bandung highway.
Tall tree at Cipularang toll road

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Erin said...

tabib...great shot.
have a wonderful weekend.

Photo Cache said...

beautiful shots, tabib. what are those trees?

Sylvia K said...

Marvelous captures, Tabib! Enjoy your weekend!

Carol said...

Great photos! I love the silhouettes. Your bird shots are beautiful.

Louise said...

COOL picture! Are those trees? Whatever, it is a terrific photo!

Redzlan said...

Thanks ALL for your comments.
I searched the net for the name of that tree.
Apparently that place is a tea plantation and somebody mention that are the TEA plant. Maybe left without pruned and grew to that high tree. In its native state, it grows to a height of about 30 ft.

Glennis said...

Beautiful shot of the row of trees and even better of the singing bird.

Linnea said...

Those are strange looking...almost as if they are reaching for the sky trying to touch it...

Regina said...

Amazing shots as always.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Love the silhouetted image and always such gorgeous birds.

Anonymous said...

Nice shots.

Vickie said...

Very nice silhouette. Would that be a barn swallow?

Dewdrop said...

Very cool looking trees. Love the bird shot too.