Water Wednesday - Malayan Water Monitor Lizard - Biawak Air

15 July 2009

Water Wednesday - Malayan Water Monitor Lizard - Biawak Air

Malayan Water Monitor Lizard
Malayan Water Monitor Lizard (Varanus salvator)
Malayan Water Monitor Lizard
Water wednesday


Rob Ripma said...

Wow, very cool shot! I would love to see one of these in the wild!

Bim said...

great shot - I wouldn't want to be monitored by him, though, I think :)

Carletta said...

Oh wow, too close for me!
Excellent shot!

My post is here: Carletta’s Captures.

RH said...

Lovely animal, nice shot!

Jenn Jilks said...

Wow! Amazing.

Anonymous said...

Always looking forward to what kind of critter or furry friend you are going to feature. You got close to this one.

Dagrun said...

Very cool shot! Love the colour of the water too.

Jim said...

Great capture.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Anonymous said...

We have them here too...great shot Tabib.

Vicky said...

Hi! Medicine man (now i know the meaning of Tabib!)
I have an award waiting for you at my blog,pls check it out. Thanks for sharing all those wonderful photos which you posted.

ItaJeff said...

tq for stopping by and leave me a comment. Love your blog, those pictures are awesome. Btw, i never heard of biawak air..learn sthg new today. My doter like taking picture too, I'll let her know abt your blog.

azah said...

Thanks for coming to my blog..me and my husband are bird lovers as well..they are gorgeous creatures on earth..your photos are amazing, keep it up

Unknown said...

It should have been an amazing sighting, I have never seen one in water

Arija said...

Superb shot!

mimi said...

what a beautiful shot. looks like he is enjoying his swim.

Amila Salgado said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amila Salgado said...

Cool shot!

Varanus salvator occurs in Sri Lanka as well as many other countries in the oriental region, thanks to its ability to colonise new lands, risking sea journeys.

I think it is unfair to be called Malayan Water Monitor!

Are you trying to hijack our Water Monitor?

faizal said...

i love to take a wildlife picture but i dont have any camera. can you give a advice or suggestion for beginner like me. tq