Flowerpecker and Straits Rhododendron - Sepah Putri dan Senduduk

02 August 2009

Flowerpecker and Straits Rhododendron - Sepah Putri dan Senduduk

This is the typical food of Flowerpecker - foraging on Senduduk (Melastoma malabathricum)
I saw this at the old logging trail, very much similar to what's described in Morten Strange & Allen Jeyarjasingan's book.
Orange-bellied Flowerpecker (Dicaeum trigonostigma) - male
Have a look for more bird pictures at the Bird Photography Weekly @ Birdfreak.


Wai Yien said...

the fruit looks juicy/tempting to me too! nice catch.

rainfield61 said...

the flowerpecker was staring at you in great suspicion. It was aware of your presence. luckily it never flied away.
Great shot.

Anonymous said...

What a great color combination.

Pat - Arkansas said...

What a beautiful, beautiful bird. Very nice photo. Thanks.

Jakarta Birder said...

Wow.....In indonesian Also known as Cabai bunga-api..

Great Capture!!!