Myna and Banana

25 August 2009

Myna and Banana

Another common bird in my backyard.
Javan Myna

Tiong Myna
Javan Myna (Acridotheres javanicus)

Have a look for more bird pictures at the Bird Photography Weekly @ Birdfreak.


the Baitlady said...

Oh that top photo with him looking straight on is so cool!! Love it!! It reminds me of the photo of "the angry bluebird" if you're familiar with that. Just awesome photography on your site. Thank you for sharing!! ~mel

Anonymous said...

What did you do to get this guy mad at you anyway? If looks could kill...... :) Great shots.

Chris said...

Yes this first shot is quite impressive! This look is just terrifying! Well done Tabib. It looks pretty big to visit a garden! What size is it?

rainfield61 said...

It is sometimes quite amazing to think how you take the photo.

Redzlan said...

Medium size bird, about 25 cm.

Jordan Sitorus said...

Wow! Great eye contact!