Little Egret GIF animation

13 September 2009

Little Egret GIF animation

I have to post more bird pictures, otherwise Amila Salgado from gallicissa will diagnose me suffering from Acute Paucity of Bird Posts Syndrome (APOBPS) ;-)
This is an old picture, from last year winter migration. I added this animation to give it a fresh look.


DeniseinVA said...

A great photo and an equally great effect.

Amila Salgado said...

You are a 'border case', so watch out. This is Uber Cool, Tabib.

Wai Yien said...


Lois said...

I love it!

Splendid Little Stars said...

The animation is great!

Jordan Sitorus said...


Gif Animator Software said...

Amazing. Realistic. I wonder how many frames it took to create that. What software did you use? I use WeGif.

Askari Apps said...

How To Make Gif Maker - Photo to Gif– Gif Creator best app to make photo to gif.
Today’s everyone search online that how to make a gif from photos. How to use free gif maker pro app?
Do you want to know how to make a gif? MasterLogix team make a best tool to convert your beautiful photos into the mind blowing gifs.
Now, you can also create a beautiful gif of your images by using gif creator app.