Birds in flight - SkyWatch Friday

23 October 2009

Birds in flight - SkyWatch Friday

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Morning Sky

Myna in flight
Javan Myna in flight
Myna in flight

Asian Glossy Starling in flight
Starling in flight
Asian Glossy Starling (Aplonis panayensis)
Starling in flightCrow in flight
Gagak in flight


Lois said...

Gorgeous SkyWatch pictures Tabib!

Sylvia K said...

I love the first one!! What a fantastic capture, Tabib! And of course, I always love the birds in flight, marvelous!

Enjoy your weekend!


Louise said...

The colors and branches in the first shot make it magical.

Jim said...

Beautiful captures.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

rainfield61 said...

Your flying starlings look as big as eagle. I like the first picture.

Erin said...

tabib...great captures of the birds in flight...liked the last one in particular and the tree in the first capture.
have a great weekend and enjoy.

Wilma said...

The last photo of crow is outstanding!

eileeninmd said...

Love the birds in flight. Great captures.

Mescrap said...

What a beautiful background !!!!

myonlyphoto said...

In addition to amazing, these are very interesting images. Thanks for sharing, Anna :)

kden said...

Fantastic shots. I love the colors in the first one and great capture of a crow with something in its mouth. I've never been good at taking shots of birds.

Victoria Tsavdaridou said...

Marvelous colors, and the birds in flight are great!!!!!