Northern / Eurasian Sparrowhawk

27 October 2009

Northern / Eurasian Sparrowhawk

Another new sighting (LIFER) for me, from Fraser's Hill
Northern / Eurasian  Sparrowhawk
ID still unsure: Accipiter Sp.
Chinese Sparrowhawk (Accipiter soloensis)

Terence Ang - took a special interest by trying to ID this pictures.
He asked around and Dr. Chaiyan a pro in raptor think it could be either both female Japanese Sparrowhawk (Accipiter gularis) or Eurasian Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus).
Without additional pictures and information, the ID is stopped at this two possibilities. Thanks Terence for your help.

Juvenile Eurasian/Northern Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus)

UPDATE (2nd January 2010).
Finale ID:
Juvenile Northern Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus). a very rare winter migrant in Western Malaysia.

Confirm by Dr. Chaiyan Kasorndorkbua, DVM, PhD, from Department of Veterinary Pathology
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kasetsart University.

Thanks to Terence Ang again for this.


Mrs.Who said...

Love both shots. Wonder what a bird thinks of as he sits on a branch up so high.

Lois said...

He is a big one!

VioletSky said...

Congratulations on this great capture!

Thomas Vattakaven said...

fantastic shot, this one is spot on.

Paula Werner Severo said...

This bird is so beautifull!.. loved the photos!

Chris said...

Wow Tabib...
This is a fantastic shot of a big guy... I love its attitude on the first one!

Lucas Mendes said...

excellent, congratulations for the photograph

Madibirder said...

Great find and great shots.

rainfield61 said...

I wish I could, in one day, be the one who takes picture instead of being aimed by others.

Anonymous said...


Amila Salgado said...
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Amila Salgado said...

If I am asked to identify it at gunpoint, (or before being subjected to advanced interrogation techniques), I would say Eurasian Sparrowhawk. I am happy to be corrected. What ever it is, it is a bloody good find!

Anonymous said...

Excellent shot of the hawk.

Patty has her 73rd birthday today. My wife for the past 54 years has a blog. If you have time, take a look and say hi. Old Lady Lincoln

Anonymous said...

The intense stare of the top photo keeps my eyes locked upon this bird of prey. Nice job catching its behavior Tabib.

Lindy said...

Amazing shot and detail!

jytou said...

where did you photographed this in Fraser's? I was at High Pines last Friday and saw an Accipiter flew pass, too brief and far views, and I could only conclude to either Japanese / Eurasian Sparrowhawk. Apparently I believed your Eurasian is still the only confirmed Accipiter on Fraser's.

Redzlan said...

This was photographed at Telekom Loop /Girdle road, not far from Rumah Persekutuan.

jytou said...

Thanks Tabib, only saw the Black Eagle at Telekom Loop.