FLY - Robber and Demsel

24 October 2009

FLY - Robber and Demsel

Euphaea impar - Male Damselfly
Robber Fly


Chris said...

Very nice shots Tabib. I did not know these species! Have a nice week end.

Lois said...

Fabulous close ups!

myonlyphoto said...

Tabib excellent work. Nature is amazing, I can repeat that all the time. Anna :)

Lucas Mendes said...

Exellent shot, this close up is amazing.

Anonymous said...

Nice shot of the damsel. Looks like another bird photographer crosses over to the bugs!

Lucas Mendes said...

wonderfull photos!.. loved a lot!... good to know your blog!

Lucas Mendes said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rainfield61 said...

The second one is a hunchback, but the former is handsome.

Carol said...

Your first photo is incredible... what a beautiful creature. Carol

Amila Salgado said...

That Euphaea is simply stunning. Great capture, Tabib.

p.s. Word verification
I have dispensed that trait, long time ago during my blog evolution. Som far, I have had NO, spam related issue. Time to thing about it, as it is damn annoying.

biologion said...

The first damsel photo is very good!!