09 October 2009

One Happy Bird and Lalang

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Happy Bulbul
one very happy yellow-vented Bulbul
Happy Bulbul
Lalang flowers (Imperata cylindrica)
Lalang back lighting
Raub's Sky and Lalang

Looking at this picture I remember Malay proverb that say;-
"Jangan ikut resmi lalang, semakin tinggi tak berisi. Ikutlah resmi padi, semakin menunduk semakin berisi".
Don't be like lalang, matured but nothing inside. Be like paddy that bend down when it get matured.
Meaning; Stay low and humble, don't be arrogant.
Sekincan Paddy Photo by Mindy Chung Wai Meng

Friday Flowers LogoI hope that lalang can be consider as flowers. ;)