Penghijrah - Perantau - Brown Shrike

18 October 2009

Penghijrah - Perantau - Brown Shrike

My main birding lens is Canon 400mm f4 couple with taped pins Tamron 1.4x teleconverter (TC). With that combination, I have only one active focusing point (the periphery), so most of my shots are with tripod. With the arrival of migrant bird, I tried shooting bird in flight by taking off the TC. Oh, I really enjoyed the quick nine AF points for handheld shot.

This shrike is a few sample of hand held shot.
Brown Shrike

Brown Shrike (Lanius cristatus) - Adult male
Brown ShrikePerantau - Tirjup Coklat


Lucas Mendes said...

very good work!... beautifull photos!

eileeninmd said...

Very good photos, The Shrike is one cool looking bird.

Chris said...

Superb Tabib.. This bird looks like our shrike too except that it is brighter!

Quilt Works said...

Good capture of the little bird!

rainfield61 said...

Tabib, thank you for the first few lines. They are very informative and useful.

I have registered this beautiful brown shrike in my library. His black mask is grogeous.

Wai Yien said...

You must have a strong arms to hand-held your 400mm, nice Brown Shrike shot you have there.

Madibirder said...

Captured the colours beautifully. I think the TC makes alot of difference.