Fraser's Hill - Silver-eared Mesia Behavior

20 October 2009

Fraser's Hill - Silver-eared Mesia Behavior

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Continue the rambling about my outing at Fraser's Hill last Sunday.
After the beautiful Green Magpie left, a small flock of Silver-Eared Mesia entertained me with their antic feeding behavior.
Fraser's Hill

This male Silver-Eared Mesia landed with something on his mouth...
Silver-eared Mesia BehaviorThe female also likes to have some...
Silver-eared Mesia Behaviorhere the close-up of the food in his beak...
Silver Mesia FeedingThe female became angry when the male swallowed the food without sharing...
Silver-eared Mesia Behavior
you stingy!
Silver-eared Mesia BehaviorShe pulled his feather really hard...
Silver-eared Mesia BehaviorNext time you better give me...
Silver-eared Mesia BehaviorAt 9.00am the birds activity at the resort became less, so I went to Jeriau Waterfall to find the Red-headed Trogon. It was regularly spotted at that location. My eyes were constantly scanning the tree for any movement and for any red or orange colour , but none to be found.
Jeriau Fall at Fraser's Hillinstead I only got this red wild fruits...
Red Wild Fruitsand this yellow berries...
Yellow Wild FruitsFinally I took a rest at this cool and relaxing waterfall.
I am not complaining, there will always be a next visit. I went home at 12.00pm, tired but very happy for that green lifer.
Jeriau water Fall

This posting was included in I & The Bird # 112, by Thomas S Anand.


Sylvia K said...

Another delightful, beautiful look at your world, Tabib! Your captures are marvelous and I do LOVE the waterfall!

Have a great week!


Chris said...

Wow this is just amazing! These birds are fantastic and you got so many nice pictures of them... Wonderful! Well done tabib.

Splendid Little Stars said...

beautiful photos! How lucky you are to live in a place with such colorful birds! Even the berries are colorful! How tranquil the last scene looks!
Missouri primrose, sundrops, evening primrose--all the same thing. Evening primrose oil contains gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) which people use for a variety of ailments.

Lois said...

I hope that male learned his lesson and shares next time! Those are so beautiful.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Tabib: That is certainly a neat place with fun birds.

B i r g i t t a said...

This was a lovely entry! I enjoyed it very much :)

Matt Hansen said...

great series and web set up! i enjoyed stopping by!

Erin said...

your post is amazing as liked the interaction you captured between the male and female birds..cute.
that waterfall is quite lovely too.

eileeninmd said...

I really enjoyed all the bird photos and the waterfall. I especially loved the bird closeup with food.
Very pretty and thanks for sharing.

Elaine Yim said...

That is a very beautiful waterfall picture. Looks like you have found a lot of treasures from this Frazer's Hills outing. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

Its birds like the ones in your last two posts that make life worth living.

rainfield61 said...

Fraser's Hill is a good place to go for a vacation, for a non-birder as well.

The scenery is good and quiet.

You have a funny female Silver-Eared Mesia.

Wilma said...

Great post, Tabib. I really like the mesia series with your interpretation of their conversation.

Anonymous said...

I love this - the Silver-Eared Mesia is beautiful and your story made me laugh. Wonderful close-ups of the birds.

Martha Z said...

Wonderful series of the Silver-Eared Mesia. It's a beautiful bird with a lot of personality.

zzlaloq said...

cubit2 manja..hehehe

Madibirder said...

cubit mencubit membawa bahagia. Jangan sampai botak dada!

PS the Pratsie said...

rarely see such close-ups of birds .. liked them :)

Arija said...

Well caught domestic altercation! Observing behaviour in the wild is always exciting.

Anonymous said...

Amazing photos! You get so close with your camera!

Lindy said...

A great post and humorous, too. Very impressive you were able to photograph the feather pulling! This looks like a great place to visit.

Melusine said...

Very nice set! Great shots of beautiful birds and the last one is awesome :)
Thanks for stopping by my place and for congratulate me with my new lens.

biologion said...

fantastic colours!!! beautiful photos!

flowergirl said...

That was fun...and colourful!