Birding at Bukit Rengit 2nd day Raya Haji

30 November 2009

Birding at Bukit Rengit 2nd day Raya Haji

I took the opportunity of Hari Raya Haji holiday for a short 3 hours birding at Bukit Rengit near Lancang.
Got 2 lifers. (no a good pictures, but enough for my record)
After refering to bird book actually I got 3 lifer, with that Cinnamon-rumped Trogon that I thought as a juvenile Diard's

1. Rufous Piculet (Sasia abnormis)
Rufous Piculet

2. Diard's Trogon (Harpactes diardii) - Female - preening
Female Diard's Trogon - preening

3. Cinnamon-rumped Trogon (Harpactes orrhophaeus) - female

Cinnamon-rumped Trogon
Local name: Kesumba Pelandok

I met veteran birder Mr.Tee Lian Huat aka ATee. that showed me that Diard's.


Tony nile life said...

whats your total birds now Tabib.

Madibirder said...

Congrats on the lifers. I'm still waiting for the day I will get a shot of the Diard's in Kemensah.

Redzlan said...

Total birds = 112 out of 600 + birds in Malaysia.
Still a long way to go.

Lois said...

Lovely shots Tabib!

Jordan Sitorus said...

Tabib, nice record there! anyway,typo-the preening Trogon is Cinnamon-rumped while No 3. is Diard's.