
02 November 2009


'Striped tiger' Butterfly (Danaus genutia) at White Weed Grass flowers (Ageratum conyzoides)
Butterfly and Grass flower
Spiderhunter at Hibiscus Flower
Hibiscus and Spiderhunter
Streaked Spiderhunter (Arachnothera magna) at Bunga Raya (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)
Hibiscus and Spiderhunter Bee (Apis sp. ) at Cherry Flower (Muntingia calabura)
Cherry Flower and Bee

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Lindy said...

Magnificent photos of the butterfly and spiderhunter bird! Beautiful pink/red color of the wildflower, and the bee looks to be very involved and pleased with its find. Well done!

Karen said...

Your photos thrill me. I particularly enjoyed the first two. Every detail in your butterfly photo is sharp and your background is nicely blurred. I enjoyed looking at your excellent photo of a Spiderhunter. I like the way the bird's head is stretched back to show that long bill. The pattern on the bird's front shows each feather so clearly. Great job!

rainfield61 said...

i admire those lenses you are having. They are so vivid and charming.

Elaine Yim said...

The first 2 pictures are very clear. The butterfly, bird and bee is very beautiful. Because you are my bird info guru, I would like to ask you if you have featured a bald headed myna before. I'm really curious to know why a myna is bald. I saw one at the KLCC park. Have you seen one in your area?

Wilma said...

Love the spiderhunter photo.

SandyCarlson said...

Utterly amazing, my friend.

Jama said...

Amazing photographs you got here!

Flowers said...

You´ve got a beautifull blog! your photos are really nice with bee, butterfly and a bird! all the flowers has a center very diferent and beautiful!

Lucas Mendes said...

the butterfly´s picture is amazing.