Pigeon of Fraser's Hill and 3rd year Bloggerversary

11 November 2009

Pigeon of Fraser's Hill and 3rd year Bloggerversary

Birthday Clipart
Today is my 3rd year of existence in blogosphere.
Mountain Imperial Pigeon

Mountain Imperial Pigeon (Ducula badia)
Mountain Imperial Pigeon (Ducula badia)


Tony nile life said...

congrats on your 3rd anniversary,
hope you have may more years showing your photos.

Chris said...

Congrats on your anniversary. I missed a lot of beautiful post. I love the cuckoo dove but this one is also very beautiful. Well done Tabib.

Lois said...


Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary!

rainfield61 said...

Wow, you have walked through these 3 years with many birds.

Have you counted how many different species you have captured? It must be uncountable..

Wai Yien said...

already? wow. happy bird day

The Birdlady said...

3 years - congratulations! You have posted some stunning photographs in those years.

Wilma said...

Happy Anniversary, Tabib! Three years is quite an accomplishment. I very enjoy visiting your blog to see your fine bird photos. Keep it up!


Madibirder said...

Tahniah on your 3rd anniversary Doc. I know how much time and energy bloggers have to sacrifice.

holdingmoments said...

Congratulations on three years.
Well done.

zzlaloq said...

Congratulations on your 3rd year blogging anniversary..

eileeninmd said...

Happy Anniversary and CONGRATS!

Terence Ang said...

Congratulation for putting up such interesting blog for the past 3 years.
Happy Anniversary

Amila Salgado said...

Lovely bird to celeberate this momentous day for mankind.

sham_arma said...

You're very lovely person especially to nature..